

We believe God’s Word is to be heard by all.
So, the St Michael's worship and events are free to all who come
- to be refreshed, equipped and inspired.


However, running the Ministry is a partnership and we need your support
to maintain our community so they, in turn, can reach out to other families
in Aldershot, in the UK and around the World and
bring the Good News of the Gospel to them and their communities.


We are very grateful for the generous help of so many,
who for many centuries have supported this ministry in prayer and through donations.


If you, too, would like to partner with us, you can donate 

 one off or regular payments




Account name: 
Parochial Church Council of ST. MICHAELS ALDERSHOT

Sort code: 

Account number: 



plus the amount” 

(e.g. £2 a month: "4 STMICOA2")

If you want to continue regular giving to St. Michael's and the Church of the Ascension,
and are willing to switch to a Standing Order in place of cash or the envelope schemes then

please contact Val on 01252 651342.Service

Your gift will help teach the next generation

About Us

It allows children of all age groups and young adults
to hear the Word of God in a troubled world and
 return to their homes inspired and encouraged.

It opens the door for christians from across the globe
to come to Aldershot and worship together and
be encouraged through Christian fellowship

It funds the up keep of our beautiful heritage building.


Leave a legacy


There are many reasons for giving, for donating, and
one big reason is that it defines who you are, a generous person,
and how you would like to be treated too.

Money is a neutral thing
We easily form attachments to money fuelling desire or fear of lack.
When we view it as a gift-stream flowing from God we can be free from lack or desire;
we can flow and circulate with the stream without blocks or dams.
When we freely give we allow the increase flow of this stream.


When you give to St. Michael's you are giving to build 'your church',
your 1000 year community, and to support God's vision of love for our communities.

You are changing lives.

We love your generosity and may God bless you with abundance.

Thank you

