Some Resources To Help Explore the Christian Faith

Understanding the Trinity - is it "3 Gods, One God" or something else?  Here are two videos to help unpack the revelation of the Trinity.

a more philosophical approach:


Alpha is a course that engages in conversations about faith, life and God.  You can now learn more at your own leisurely pace through the videos. The course is better enjoyed if it is done with the company of others. Please do email the Vicar if you are watching the videos or if you wish to discuss any issues :

Click on the relevant topic to watch the video material: 

 Is There More To Life Than This?

Who Is Jesus? 

Why Did Jesus Die? 

How Can I Have Faith? 

Why and How Do I Read the Bible?

 Why and How Do I Pray? 

How Does God Guide Us? 

Who Is The Holy Spirit? 

What Does the Holy Spirit Do? 

How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?

How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?

 How Can I Resist Evil? 

Does God Heal Today ? 

What about the Church? 

keller Alternatively, you can listen to some excellent podcasts by Dr. Tim Keller Questioning Christianity 

He addresses universal topics to help listeners reason through their worldview by responding to questions like: Can there be moral absolutes? Does life have meaning beyond what I make of it? Can hope exist in the face of death?

click here